What Is Your Word for 2013?

Seizing the moments…however how small…

A few weeks ago I couldn’t bend my mind to this question. The question I was pondering was “What Is Your Word for 2013?” I had no clue. No words popped in to my mind. Why? I was too busy recovering from 2012, that’s why.

You see the first part of 2012 was more than busy. I worked my fingers to the bone. I had so much work. I couldn’t see straight most days. Many days I got what I needed to do done, but it was a struggle. It wasn’t pretty, but I got what I needed to do done. Clients were happy. I was happy to be contributing to the family income. But, my workload took its toll…on me, my family, and my home. You don’t have time to clean with deadlines looking. I was exhausted.

More than once I had to cut corners. And of course I couldn’t cut corners from my work tasks. I had clients who were relying on me. Which means that my family bore the brunt of my punishing workload. I’ll not soon forget the time my family took a weekend trip without me. Ouch. Even though I had planned that we would all go to the waterpark, my work tasks that Friday were all consuming. I had no choice, but to stay at home. I’m not going to lie…I would have liked my family to stay home that weekend…we could have rescheduled…but they decided to go without me. Ouch.

That trip was the final straw. Sitting in my coldie, coldie basement office that Friday night as my family motored to the warmie, warmie waterpark, I was miserable. Missing my family. Kicking myself for not planning my workload for that week better. I’ll admit to hating my life a bit…my worklife that is. I knew that I had to make changes. And I did.

In fact that weekend-trip-without-me was the impetus for me to plan my exit strategy. My exit from a too overwhelming, too all-consuming workload. I needed to find a way out. I couldn’t go on any longer working so hard. Not to mention that I was more than a little underpaid.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE working from home. Setting my own hours. Being my own boss. BUT working from home FOR other people is challenging. Some can manage it. I know I could manage my workload if I had more work hours at my disposal, but with only being able to work during the school day and too many weeknight commitments, I was between a rock and a hard place. The outside client work had to go. It was the final straw and I needed to get rid of it. I had enjoyed working as a consultant but the demands for that type of work were not compatible with my family and home life.

One by one I moved on from my client work. I was sad to see clients and, of course, paychecks go, but it was for the best. The summer of 2012 was a new start for me. After months of working TOO hard, the summer of 2012 was all about doing NOTHING. I didn’t take on any more clients. I signed the kids up for almost no camps. I didn’t encourage my teen to get a job as I couldn’t face a regular driving commitment. The summer of 2012 was all about relaxing, regrouping, and recovering.

So what will my words of 2013 be? 

Following on from my transition from client work to focusing on my blog and working on brand campaigns, I want to continue focusing on family time. First word of 2013 is…Family. Makes sense when my blog subtitle is “Seizing Family Time.” So, what are my other words for 2013? Hmmm… Moderation…after taking on too much client work, I need to focus on ratcheting back on what I agree to do. I KNOW I can do it all, but can I do it all well? Active…working so many hours put exercise on the back burner. EVERYTHING took priority. I need to get moving.

What is your word(s) of 2013?

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