I’m Not Going to BlogHer…

Rule Brittania, Brittania Rules the Waves

Rule Brittania, Brittania Rules the Waves

I’m not going to Blogher and I’m fine with my decision. If you’ve read my tweets over the last few weeks you might be surprised to read this.

When I started my blog in the fall of 2008 I had never heard of twitter or BlogHer. I only knew a few people with Facebook pages. I certainly never thought that blogging was a business.

At some point I must have seen a reference to BlogHer on a blog. I joined. I posted a few times. I responded to a bunch of posts. I clicked on the posts listed on the BlogHer sidebars. In short I was hooked.

I discovered too late that I missed the DC BlogHer Reach Out. I was miffed at missing it, but realized that the conference would not have worked on my kindergarten volunteering day. I found out about BlogHer ’09 soon after. I weighed the pros and cons of going.

Too many pros to count, but one huge, ever-present con too massive to deal with — our finances. We are doing fine. Not in danger of any sort of financial crisis. Husband has a secure job, but and there always is a but. We are a one-income family. The products and freebies that are rolling in to this house each day for review do not translate in to money at all. A fact, I am made painfully aware of by my husband. He wants me to get a job. I want to get a job. I am trying, but with school and sports schedules I wonder how I would manage a part-time job.  

Where was I? I am a bit of a rambler! I missed the early bird registration date. I had made up my mind that BlogHer was not to be this year. My interest was piqued again once I saw tweets and posts about sponsorships. I started wondering…

About 6 weeks ago, my husband and I made a huge decision. We planned a trip to England. My homeland. I have not been home since July 1993. My parents live in this country, so I have not had the need to travel home. We have talked about going to England since my daughter was about 3, but something always comes up…pregnancy, new baby, almost walking toddler, child in diapers, kids too young, finances, no vacation time… Well, you get the idea.

With my teen a year away from high school, we just cannot wait any longer. She needs to experience the sights and sounds of England. Kids my daughter’s age are starting to tell her about the trips they have taken to England with their families. I want her to experience more than England at EPCOT.

We leave next week. I’m psyched…excited…ecstatic…overjoyed! I’ll post about the trip on my return. Cheerio!

Editor’s note: I have never in my life said “Cheerio,” but it is late and that is all I have left in my word arsenal!

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