Hop on Over to the White House Easter Egg Roll

I tried in 2008 when my son was 5. I’m not sure why I never entered before. Probably we were not available on the day. But, by ’08 I was bound and determined to enter.

What am I talking about? Why, the White House Easter Egg Roll.

That was back in 2008. I entered using a log-in system. There was no lottery that year. I refreshed and refreshed and refreshed. Well, you get the picture. Even though I got to the coveted “Enter your information” screen I hesitated for a moment too long before entering and hey presto the screen went back to the “Hello” screen. Oh no. There would be no White House Easter Egg Roll that year. In 09, 10, and 11, I entered via a lottery. No joy in Mudville for me. This year I planned on entering, but the spring has been amazingly busy, and challenging, and oh did I mention busy?

I clicked over to the White House site only to find that the lottery had begin and ended. I was out of luck. A little down in the dumps. My kids are almost 9, 13, and 16. Will we get to go to the Easter Egg Roll before all three age out?

I was in major “Woe is Me” mode this a.m. when I stumbled across a Tweetup at the White House on Easter Egg Roll Day to promote the First Lady’s Let’s Move initiative. I did not need to be told twice to enter my information and of course, my twitter handle. Will I get to go to the White House tweetup? Do you want to go to the White House tweetup? Enter here.

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