Hooray! We Made It To the End-of-the-School Year!

The end-of-the-school year was a chaotic, mad dash, harem scarem, crazy mess. Come to think of it the school year wasn’t much better. We raced from homework to activity to school to the sports field. Isn’t it supposed to get easier as kids get older?? Not so in the Musings from Me household.

I always thought that once all of my children were in full-day school that magically my days would get easier. Wrong. Wrong. And did I mention…wrong. Instead of easier, our days are harder. From homework to parent-teacher conferences to science fair projects to after school activities to sports to you-name-it-and-we-are-probably-doing-it, every day is long and complicated and wonderful and awesome. But, did I mention long??

We’re slowly but surely adjusting to summer. Finding a rhythm. Getting in to a routine. The summer is less scheduled than the school year. We still have swim team, a few camps, and a few activities on the calendar but nothing like the August-June calendar. By comparison out June-August calendar is very tame.

How about you…how is your summer going?

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