Conferences, Conferences, and More Conferences

Over a year ago, I had barely heard of blogging.

I had a blogspot blog that I started when I created a blog for a design class. I let the design blog lapse, while continuing to write on the personal blog. The posts were interesting to me, but I knew that I needed something more. I started clicking around to other people’s blogs. I wonder which blog I clicked to first? How could I find out?

Blissdom 10As I clicked on blogs, I first noticed the writing style of each blogger and then the buttons. So colorful. So shiny. One click led to another. Soon I was on twitter…on Facebook reuniting with English friends, college friends, and even neighbors who I don’t see on a regular basis…writing for TypeAMom…doing reviews for One2One Network. At about the time my plate was full of new ideas and assignments, I heard about #Blissdom and Blissfully Domestic.

I was unable to commit to writing for another site at the time, but I followed the tweets for #Blissdom09. I’d never heard of a blogging conference, much less attended one. Soon I was reading tweets from Blissdom, SXSW, BlogHer, and many others.

I made it to one conference in 09 — the #typeamom conference. As a regular contributor, I was desperate to go. I am so glad I did. Those who were at TypeAMom said it was very like Blissdom — small number of attendees, enriching sessions, and an all-around good vibe conference.

As 2010 begins, I would love to commit to go to one conference at least, but money is an issue. I obtained sponsorship for TypeAMom from two sponsors, which was good….but I am still waiting to be paid by one of the sponsor, which is not good. 

Speaking of clicking on blogs, I clicked on Mom in the City tweet link about a Blissdom ticket giveaway. Squee! I would love to go to Nashville for this conference. I missed out on the Disney Social Media Moms Conference registration. Again flights for 5 would have been difficult, but I just could not take my kids out of school for 3 days. So sad to miss this fantastic opportunity. Being a grownup is hard!

How will I follow my bliss in 2010?

– Keep on bloggin’

– Keep on reviewin’

– Keep on postin’

– Love my job, but need to be more focused.

– Figure out what I like best about my “job.” Commit to doing my best at whatever I choose.

Basically, I will follow my bliss to see where it leads me!

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