Category: Musings on Family

Sunday Blessings

Is there a Sunday meme? Sunday Blessings? Sunday Thanks? If you know of one let me know. Thanks! Today was one of those days. Actually it is only 12:53, so the day is yet young. But, this morning was a…

Go to School or Not?

First time ever since switching to WordPress I lost a post. Huh! This happened to me all the time with Blogger. Happens frequently 0n one of the sites I write for. My posts get lost so much that I copy…

Suze Orman, I Need Your Help!

Next week, Parent&Child will be talking to Suze Orman! Like any mom I struggle with how to teach my children about money. I’m not the best money manager, so wonder how I will help my children become money savvy? I posed these…

My Bedroom

The title of this post says it all. After almost 20 years of marriage I still refer to the master bedroom as “my bedroom.” I chose the bedding color, the furniture (with input from the husband), and the wall art. What…