Just Doing What I Do…

Last Saturday I had several people come up to me and thank me for what I do. I didn’t know what to say. I do what I do because I love what I do. That’s it. I’m uncomfortable when people are complimenting me, especially when what I am doing is not a burden to me at all. I much prefer to go unnoticed. It’s the “English” in me, I suppose.

On Saturday my kids’ swim team was host to the 5 other teams for the summer swim team Divisional Championships. We host the Championships slightly more than other teams as our pool is 8 lanes. If you have ever attended a swim meet at a smaller pool, you’ll know that meets can last for hours and hours. So our pool played host again.

This is my third summer on the swim team committee. The first year I helped with communications and photography. The last two years I have had responsibility to wrangle volunteers. We need close a large number of people for home swim meets and only slightly less for away meets. I don’t know the exact number of volunteers we need, but I do know that the meets wouldn’t run nearly as smoothly without our band of dedicated swim team parents. Though occasionally I have to scramble to fill a swim meet “job” or chase down a parent who has not fulfilled all their volunteer requirements.

But for the Divisionals Championships, all on the swim team committee and really the entire team stepped up to make the day an extra special extravaganza for our young swimmers. A long with my volunteer wrangling I lent a hand to all manner of jobs…I helped decorate, organized food donations, and helped clean up. All in all Saturday was a great day. I did what I did because I love what I do!

Of course it is easy to forget that while the adults are making sure the meet runs as smooth as possible, there is in fact a swim meet going on! Here’s a sampling of photos from 2013 Summer Swim Season.

The brother and the sister both won their heats!

West Howard v. Shipley's Choice James and Jessica Heat Winners

The sister won the “Coming Out of Her Shell” Award for stepping up to be an Junior Coach.

The Coming Out of Her Shell Paper Plate Award






The brother set a “fashion” statement by changing swim caps for each of his faces. First he would sport a USA flag cap, second race a Viking Horns swim cap, and for the final race he would use a vintage USA flag swim cap!

Paper Plate Awards

And the coaching staff outdid themselves by decorating the mailbox and driveway of EVERY swimmer at Divisionals. Can you imagine the work that went in to drawing all those posters?! We have the best summer swim team. And I am PROUD to be a part of the team!

Wahoos Divisionals Driveway Chalk Wahoos Divisionals Posters

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